Monday, December 17, 2012

Tips for Website Article Keywords Optimization

The original website content is the key for a website in SEO. The website article optimization is very important in SEO. And the article optimization is mainly the optimization for keywords in this article. Here are some tips for website article keywords optimization. 

Keyword density

It is widely accepted that the proper keyword density shall be in the range of 3% to 8%. I do not deny its correctness. But according to the observation, some web pages with low article keywords density of 1% to 2% also can be ranked high in SERP. In general, the keywords shall appear two or three times in a short article and five to eight time in a long one. The key is these keywords shall appear naturally. Also, the keyword density can be easily checked with the clicking of a button, if articles are managed and published by FlexPHP News. All in all, there shall be no keywords stuffing in the article.
Keywords in the first and last paragraphs of the article

The keywords shall appear at the beginning and at the end of the article, since the first several lines contents are firstly crawled by the search engine spiders. It is better to make keywords appear in the first 50-100 words of the text, especially with keywords as the beginning of such an article. Also, it is widely accepted that keywords shall appear in the last paragraph that is the conclusion of the article.
The transformation of keywords forms 

Besides the appearance of target keywords, the keywords also can be showed in other forms that could make them appear naturally. Usually, the transformation of keywords includes synonyms, the different descriptions for the same thing, etc.
The splitting of keywords

This method is applicable to the keywords phrases, which can be regarded as a kind of Keywords transformation. Take article keywords optimization for example, it can also appear in the form of article targeted keywords optimization.

In all, website article writing shall be simply for article itself, not the keywords optimization. The keywords shall appear in the readable article naturally. It shall be not too deliberate.

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