Monday, January 7, 2013

How to Write SEO-friendly Article for Company Website?

Optimization for article title

The article title is the most important part of an article that is directly related to the article CTR. Company website article title shall catch the users’ eyes with something that can be in consonance with their psychological needs. Also, attention shall be paid to the keywords placement and users search ways.

1. Using some particular words in the article title, such as how to, free, full, official, detailed, the (real) reasons, etc. The users’ interest can be raised by such words.

2. Using figures in the article title, such as xxx steps that will make you to be a SEO expert, xxx methods to double the website traffic, etc. The users can get clearer information from such titles that are useful for article CTR improvement.

3. Using as less as possible declarative sentences in the article title that can be replaced with questions. Generally, a subject in declarative sentence can rarely catch users’ interesting, if it is not a hot topic. Users will subconsciously search for answers in their own minds when they see a question. It will naturally cause their curiosity to click to see the article, if they cannot found the answer from themselves. Thus, article CTR will increase.

4. A long tail keywords is enough for an article title.

Optimization for article body

1. The first paragraph of the article shall be original, and the first sentence in the first paragraph shall be placed with the long tail keywords in the article title. bold. To avoid to be regarded as over optimization by search engines, the long tail keywords can be used in other forms.

2. There isn’t much work needs to be done for the main body of the article. The long tail keywords and its different forms can be placed in in it naturally is OK.

3. The last paragraph of the article is similar to the first one that shall be original, and it shall be placed with the long tail keywords in the article title. Also, there shall be an indication to users to tell them to click on the online consultation, to click on the purchase link below, etc.

4. An anchor text is enough for an article.

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